ZNU training courses

The ZNU offers a variety of qualified training options in the area of ​​sustainability management:

Sustainability Manager , for further Information:  


Neu im Angebot ist auch ein internationales Angebot auf Englisch für den NachhaltigkeitsmanagerFood:
Sustainability Leadership Training & International Multi-Stakeholder Meeting: 19 – 21 September 2017, Cracow, Poland

  • A qualification programme for decision makers, change leaders and individual sustainability managers from across multiple industries.
  • The aim of the International Multi-Stakeholder Meeting is to enable the various stakeholders to better network, collaborate, initiate projects and form partnerships for improved business sustainability in the food industry in Europe. Furthermore, the goal is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best case approaches focusing in particular on the collaboration between Polish and German enterprises. About forty representatives of businesses, international sustainability networks, policy makers and civil society organisations will join the event. The international multi-stakeholder meeting will focus on practical tools and partnerships towards improved business sustainability of the food industry in Europe.